Dobrynin Anatoly Fedorovich (b. 1919), he was the Soviet diplomat, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador. He is the Hero of Socialist Work (1982). He was born in the Red Hill near Moscow. He has ended the Moscow aviation institute (1942) and the Supreme diplomatic school of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1946). He was on diplomatic work with 1946. He was the adviser, and then the adviser – his envoy of embassy of the USSR in USA (1952-55); then he was the assistant of the general Secretary of the United Nations (1957-59); he was the head of a department of the countries of America of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1959-61); he was the ambassador of the USSR in USA (1962-86). During many years he was the dean of a diplomatic corps in Washington. He took part in work of numerous conferences and the international meetings and in all summit talks between heads of the USSR and USA within excellent long stay in the rank of the Soviet ambassador in USA. The peak of influence of Dobrynin in Washington has fallen to years of easing of international tension and presidency of R. Nixon when the secret channel of direct telecommunication between the White house and Dobrynin worked. Key parameters of Contract OSV-1 were coordinated with the help of this channel.

"Dobrynin, - G. Kissinger spoke, his partner in negotiations of those years recollects, - was free from propensity of ordinary Soviet diplomats to fine altercations for demonstration of the vigilance before the heads; he understood that in foreign affairs the reputation of reliability is the important capital. The person is thin and organized, charming externally and internally invariable circumspect, Dobrynin soared in the top echelons of Washington with rare art. The combination of uncommon diplomatic talent and the apogee of efforts of the Soviet geopolitical power has allowed Dobrynin become the most influential ambassador of the USSR in Washington for all history of the Soviet-American relations".

The author of memoirs "Especially confidential. The ambassador in Washington during the six Presidents of USA. 1962-1986" (1997).

From Dobrynin's book:

"Uneasy, but growing interaction of our two countries and their leaders within Reagan - Bush, and then Bush - Clinton and B. Eltsin was the important precondition for the answer to a fundamental question: what is the typical of relations of our countries from the point of view of a history – the reduction to intensity and cooperation or confrontation? What in them it is inherent more? Drama events in the Russia gave the final answer to this question.

In 1809 great American Tomas Jefferson spoke about "exclusive peaceful disposition" our two peoples. The history testifies that our countries are not natural enemies. Both had to pay the huge price for "cold war". Its ending, certainly, is an occasion for mutual satisfaction, but simultaneously and for sober re-thinking the reasons of its occurrence and long existence, for struggle against its vestiges. I could observe of development of relations between ours two countries during a half of century. And I could not only to observe, but also directly to participate in events and personally to experience the most bitter and discouraging periods in their history. It was difficult from time to time, very difficult. But I was not left with hope and confidence of the big constructive potential incorporated in two our peoples, Russian and American, despite of ideological disagreements of their governments, all these years …

Now it is possible to tell, relations of the Russian Federation and United States of America leaving, though and is uneasy, on other basis in which cooperation and good neighborhood should prevail at the sober mutual account of national interests of both countries. I speak about it with satisfaction and hope for the best future. I hope that in it there is also my modest contribution".

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