Project narrative

  • Project Category: 6. History of Foreign Relations
  • Project Title: Six American Presidents and one Soviet Ambassador
  • Description of Our Team

    Our team consists of two students and one coach. Names of participants - Dmitry and Nikita, and teacher - Evgenia. We are taking part in such serious competition at the third time and we want to take part in future. We have any problem with the English language, the text of the project very difficult, suddenly American students don't understand us? We are sure only in design and reliability of the information.

  • Summary of Our Project

    The information on our site is received from the book of the diplomat - champion. Anatoliy Dobrynin worked on the post almost a quarter of century. He personifies as the image of the present diplomat. He is the person who could work with six most various persons on the supreme post of America. The main quality of the diplomat - to find common language with different people and to remain true to himself.

  • Our Computer/Internet Access

    A) Percentage of students using the Internet at home: more then 50%;
    B) Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom: 1;
    C) Connection speed used in the classroom: dial-up-modem;
    D) Number of years your classroom has been connected to the Internet: 2-3.

  • Problems We Had to Overcome

    We met only language barriers. We want to speak in one language with all World, we want that there were no barrier between people.

  • Our Project Sound Bite

    The participation in Doors to Diplomacy means for us exactly big Door to big World. We live far from America but we want to be closer.

  • Project Elements

    This project is very good addition to the school program especially such subjects as History, English and Information Technology. It leaves far for frameworks of an investigated rate of a history. The material of a site shows real work of the ambassador in America. The material found in the Internet, tells about biographies of presidents and a chronicle of events. Value of work consists in own search of a material.

  • What information tools and technologies did you use to complete your Doors to Diplomacy project?

    We used such information tools and technologies during completing our project: 2 computers IBM with Pentium4, librares, books, Internet. Our computers are the homes computers. All information is search ourself. We prefer Internet resourses and books.

  • In what ways did your students act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Doors to Diplomacy project both on-line and in person.

    We often need to live in our life as a diplomates. Most of all it links with our studing and relation with teachers. All teacher are another and they have power from puples. Why find the language with teacher that not like you? It is a question of real diplomacy. For example, teacher of drawing not like Nikita, and teacher of physics not like Dmitry. All tools of diplomacy are put down. Nikita thinks that it is more difficult to speak with teacher of drawing then with America during the "cold war". Dmitry put down "the heavy weapon" - his mother. Which end would be - the history show.

  • What has been or will be the impact of your project on your community?

    We think that our project is different so as we are different. There is much new information in our site. We know this, because it was new for us too. We think that people around the world will know new things from our site. All people of our lyceum whom are interested in Internet and WWW looked our site. It is like them. We prefer to received e-mail. We plased the contact information in our site.

  • How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

    Our main assistant - the big book of A. Dobrynin. We express to the author huge gratitude that he has written this book. We have found out much from his book. We used citations from his book. It is authorized the law on copyrights. We express gratitude to authors of electronic encyclopedia Rubricon for interesting and full biographies of presidents of USA and a detailed chronicle of events of the soviet-American relations. These relations deserve that many sites will be devoted to them.

  • Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises

    The biggest discovery and lesson for us are the human qualities of the diplomat, in particular, of A. Dobrynin. The diplomat is completely special complex of business and personal qualities which we would like to develop in ourselves. This desire has appeared at us after reading the book and working on our project.


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