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Ford does not borrow especially appreciable place in a number of post-war Presidents of USA. People write and speak about him as though a rapid speech. Ford is the sociable person without special claims on personal qualities. He was not a picturesque figure as the President, as well as not the good orator and the intellectual. Such fact that he was not the "elected" president also harmed to his reputation. And he was the President all the little more than two years.

At the same time validity demands to emphasize that administration of Ford - Kissinger in general continued to follow generated by Nixon external political rate that providing to a transition "from one era of confrontation by one era of negotiations". Ford himself was not the inspirer of any hostile anti-soviet actions. Moreover, it is necessary to note that some events connected to board of Ford have left a positive trace concerning USA and the USSR and an international situation of that time. At last, at administration of Ford was finished the long-term war in Vietnam.

However political portrait of Ford in all that links with the relations with USSR was inconsistent. He has not accepted any practical measures to prevent acceptance of the discrimination trading legislation concerning USSR. He was the conservative on the belief; however he understood the necessity of political maneuver, only in the limits.

Eventually, growing political instability of President Ford during pre-election campaign has resulted to the policy of reduction (detente) was practically removed by him on a background.

About the President

You will find the brief information on the biography of the President in the given section

A chronicle of events

Here are given the dates of the basic events which have occurred during board of the President

From A.Dobrynin's book

Here are given Anatoly Dobrynins stories about the work in this period


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