Russian version



1977, October, 2 - the joint Soviet-American application about Near East is published.

1978, January, 16 - the new system of direct governmental communication between the USSR and USA through artificial satellites of the Earth is commissioned.

1978, February, 6 a meetings of delegations of the USSR and USA has begun in Geneva; there are concerning prohibition of new kinds and systems of the weapon of mass destruction, including radiological.

1978, June, 8-16 - the Soviet-American consultations on questions of restriction of some kinds of the activity directed against space objects and incompatible to peace relations between the states were held in Helsinki.

1978, December, 14 - the Agreement between the USSR and USA on questions of diplomatic privileges and immunities is made by an exchange of notes between embassy of the USSR in USA and the State department of USA.

1978, December, 22 the general secretary of CK of CPSU, the chairman of Presidium of a Supreme Soviet of the USSR L.I. Brezhnev has directed to the President of USA J. Carter the message concerning normalization of the American - Chinese relations.

1979, January, 23 - the Soviet-American negotiations concerning contr-chellenger systems have begun in Bern.

1979, June, 15-18 - the meeting of general secretary of CK of CPSU, the chairman of Presidium of a Supreme Soviet of the USSR L.I. Brezhnev with the President of USA J. Carter was held in Vienna; during a meeting are signed: the Contract between the USSR and USA about restriction of strategic offensive arms and the Report to it; the joint Statement on principles and the basic directions of the subsequent nuclear arms limitation talks; and other documents.

1979 - the basis of the American public sponsor's organization - the Centre of Russian-American exchange of Asalens institute.

1980, January, 4 - the President of USA J. Carter has declared the decision of the American administration to postpone consideration and ratification of Contract OSV-2 in the Senate of USA in connection with a policy of the USSR concerning Afghanistan, in particular out of the input of the Soviet armies in this country; to defer opening new American and Soviet consulates; to stop or reduce export to the USSR of some the goods, including agricultural production (January, 8 on deliveries of this production it was imposed by embargo); to suspend economic, scientific and technical and cultural exchanges between the USSR and USA.

1980, April, 12 - the National Olympic committee of USA has made the decision to not send a team of USA on Olympic games 1980 to Moscow.

1980, August, 6 - the message on acceptance by administration of J. Carter of "new nuclear strategy" is published, it was formulated in the Presidential instruction . 59.

About the President

You will find the brief information on the biography of the President in the given section

A chronicle of events

Here are given the dates of the basic events which have occurred during board of the President

From A.Dobrynin's book

Here are given Anatoly Dobrynins stories about the work in this period


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